My name is Rosario Ellustrisimo, I am 33 years old, and I have been working with Heritage 1963 as a Production Staff for 4 years now. I am married with two lovely children, my eldest is now 6 years old while my youngest son is 1 year old. As I see my family face the challenges brought by this pandemic, is very difficult for me as a mother. It is hard for me to watch my children grow during this time of crisis knowing that a part of their childhood has been taken away by this pandemic. They do not get to go to school like before or just to go outside to play with the other kids. Life was even harder when my company stopped operations because of the ECQ, and I had no source of income. We adjusted our budget just to fit our daily needs because we had been struggling financially back then. Remembering those times make me realize how blessed our family is.
Being a mother has never been an easy job, but it has always been a reminder for me to know my purpose in life. It is difficult to overcome all hardships, but the important thing is, we are surviving this pandemic as a family. I am also grateful that Access was there to help me get through everything. To be honest, I really had no idea how we survived those things, but I am just thankful that we did. This is just another reminder that giving up is not an option if we just put all our trust in Him.
- Rosario Ellustrisimo,
Production Staff, Heritage 1963 Inc.